Faisal Movers Contact Numbers

Let’s connect with the Faisal Movers! 

To get the benefits of traveling then Faisal Movers is an exceptional choice. Connect Faisal Movers via their contact numbers for direct communication. They have an unparalleled customer service team, they solve your problems whether you are facing any difficulties during your journey or you want to know about the schedule of arrival and departure of buses or any related queries of them. Furthermore, if you want to make a reservation feel free to contact them. Faisal Mover’s Contact Numbers are listed below for different cities and terminals. You can call them and inquire about ticket prices, online booking, or any questions you may have in mind. Our team has been dedicated to providing travel experience solutions for all travelers.

Faisal Movers Contact Number, Addresses Details and Helpline Number for all Cities Terminals

Faisal movers contact numbers

Below are Faisal Movers Contact Numbers of all major cities of Pakistan, you can call them for all types of inquiries and also mention address details of all terminals across the country.

Terminal Name CityAddressUANContact No.
/ Mobile No.
Bahawalpur TerminalBahawalpurNear PSO Army Filling Station General Bus Stand Bahawalpur(062)111-22-44-88062-2888358
Chichawatni TerminalChichawatniChichawatni Bypass Multan Road111-22-44-880315-8222987
Dera Ghazi Khan terminalDG Khan Faridi Bazar Chowk, Right Drain Canal Road DG Khan(064)111-22-44-880315-8222691
Faisalabad TerminalFaisalabadGTS Near Railway Station, Faisalabad(041)111-22-44-88041-2636276
Gilgit TerminalGilgit Near Nacto Bus Terminal, Gilgit(0572)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Hydrabad TerminalHydrabadGeneral Bus Stand, Hydrabad(022)111-22-44-880300-5708097
New City TerminalIslamabadMotorway Chowk Chungi #26 Peshawar Road, Islamabad(051)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Jahanian TerminalJahanianNear Jahanian Bypass, Khaniwal Road, Jahanian(065)111-22-44-880305-2414789
Karachi Cantt TerminalKarachiKarachi Cantt Near Regancy Hotel, Karachi(021)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Karachi Sohrab GothKarachiAl-Asif Square, Karachi Sohrab Goth(021)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Khanewal Terminal KhanewalNear Lahore Morr, Khanewal(065)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Abdullah Terminal LahoreLahoreAbdullah Travels Band Road, Lahore(042)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Jinnah Terminal LahoreLahore Near Thohkar Niaz Baig, Lahore(042)111-22-44-880311-1224488
City Terminal LahoreCity Disctrict Goverment Terminal,
Track # 12, 13 & 14 Near Chowk Yateem Khana, Lahore
Mian Channu TerminalMian ChannuNear Larri Adda Main GT Road, Mian Channu(065)111-22-44-880311-6204333
Vehari Chowk TerminalMultanVehari Chowk Near Sher-e-Islam Motors, Multan(061)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Multan CaltaxMultanNear Daewoo Express Workshop Qaddafi Chowk, Multan(061)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Muree TerminalMureeGeneral Bus Stand, Muree Pakistan(051)111-22-44-88051-3413302
Peshawar TerminalPeshawarAl-Madina Coach Terminal GT Road, Peshawar(091)111-22-44-880307-5224488
Quetta TerminalQuettaAlmo Chowk, Quetta(081)111-22-44-880302-3821827
Rahimyar Khan TerminalRaheemyar Khan New General Bus Stand, Target Tahir Filling Station, Rahimyar Khan(068)111-22-44-88068-5887797
Pir Wahdai TerminalRawalpindiCrystal Lines Terminal, Peer Wahdai, Rawalpindi(051)111-22-44-880311-1224488
Faizabad TerminalRawalpindiAl- Makkah Terminal Main Faizabad Chowk, Rawalpindi(051)111-22-44-880315-8222657
Sahiwal TerminalSahiwalSea Rose Hotel, Lahore Road, Sahiwal(040)111-22-44-88040-4502960
Sargodha TerminalSargodha47 Adda Near Daewoo Terminal, Sargodha(048)111-22-44-880315-2552222
Sawat Terminal SawatQamber Bypass Mingora Sawat, khawazakhela Sawat(0946)111-22-44-880311-1224488

Contact to Faisal Movers

To get in touch with Faisal Movers for any reason, you can reach them by your phones or by their official website. The Following process will help you to connect with FM;

1: By Phone Call:

  • Dial UAN or Helpline number of your desired city code.
  • Get connected with an automated voice to assist you further.
  •  FM’s live agent will join you for further queries and assistance.
help line no.
Help line no.

2: By Official Website:

  • Go to the Official Website of FM.
  • You will see a form here with name, email, contact no., and message box.
  • Write your query in this message box.
  •  FM officials will reply to you.

Faisal Movers Luggage Policy

  • A bag pack upto 20kg can be taken without additional charges on all buses of Faisal Movers extra amount will be charged for additional luggage other than 20 kg through ELT (Extra Luggage Tariff) as per company policy.
  • In case, the luggage (except hand luggage) is lost or misplaced then passengers must inform their terminal office immediately before leaving the terminal.


Please Don’t hesitate to ask any query about Faisal Movers. Our team has been dedicated to providing travel solutions and ensuring an enjoyable journey for their travelers. You can connect them through their Official Website or by using your phones, for your convenience all contact numbers have been provided above.


 Dial 0311-6116666 for Faisa Movers cargo services and faisal movers contact numbers are provided above.

Yes, it is available on the Bookkaru app and Sastaticket.com

Above 800 fleet Faisal Movers have

The bus fare charges are depending on the passenger destination and the category of bus.

The dadicated team may be availabe round the clock. For the urgent matters, please call 111-22-44-88.

Faisal Movers do not offer any toll-free numbers, however Faisal Movers contact numbers are available depanding on user location.

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